fundamentals of woodcarving
Carving a Fall Greenman
This carving is an intermediate project, but more toward the advanced side of intermediate. So this project is not for the faint of heart, but it sure is a blast if you can keep up!
Carving Closed Eyes
Many students have asked me about how I carve closed eyes and the truth is, it’s actually fairly simple
Intermediate Face: Setup Part I
Intermediate level project, carving the face in Plains Cottonwood Bark. This first video is about how to set up a good foundation for the realistic face.
Intermediate Face: The Nose Part II
This video explains how I use gouges, knives, and chisels to shape parts of the schnoz. Feel free to scrub through to find the parts you need help with.
Intermediate Face: The Eyes Part III
The eyes certainly capture the life of the face and in this video I show you how to carve the eyes as a part of this intermediate face carving series.
Intermediate Face: The Mouth Part IV
This video explains how I carve the male mouth. Feel free to use this as a visual tool by scrubbing to areas of the video that are most relevant to you.
Intermediate Face: The Hair Part V
This video explains how I carve the hair in Plains Cottonwood Bark as a part of this intermediate face carving series.